Humanity Auxilium, a 501©(3) not-for-profit (USA Tax ID: 84-2972107), is a registered charity in the United States and is also registered as a non-profit organization in Canada. They have teams on the ground in Gaza assessing the situation and providing emergency assistance, basic necessities, such as food, water, shelter, and medical aid. As an ethically guided grassroots organization, Humanity Auxilium is entirely operated by volunteers, the board members are all donors and as such 0 staff are paid, meaning all medical professionals and logistical staff are working on a volunteer basis. By coordinating with the WHO UN division, and the Gaza Ministry of Health they are able to ensure that all support provided in Gaza is going where it is needed most. Humanity Auxillium pledges and honours its commitment to taking every penny received with trust and takes the mission of fulfilling that trust very seriously.